Math Work Stations

It has been a long time since my last my post. I have been working really hard on creating math work stations for all of the 3rd grade common core standards. My kids love doing work stations each day and they are easy to manage. I put students in groups of 4 and they each get a math center bin. Each bin has 3-5 games in it. The students keep the same bin for 2 weeks and then I switch them. It is great for students when they finish work because they already know how to play the games. The work stations are a great way to review skills and practice new skills. I wanted work stations that I could use all year and rotate through the groups. Click on the link to check out my teachers pay teachers page!


Math Vocabulary

This year our school district has a new math series. We are now using enVisions Math which matches the common core. One of the big ideas that we have talked about in our professional development is that with the common core students need to be able to explain their answers in writing. Going along with this is a solid understanding of the math vocabulary and what the words mean. Since their is so much vocabulary with the third grade common core I made large vocabulary cards to have posted in the classroom for students to refer to. Each card has the definition and an example. If you'd like to purchase the math vocabulary click on the link below!


Finishing up Summer School

I am in my last week of summer school already. It is crazy how fast these four weeks have flown by! I feel like there was so much to cover in a short amount of time. With this group of third graders we were really focusing on reading comprehension skills. I used my reading comprehension minilesson pack to practice skills. They are great for an introduction of a skill or a quick review. They come with graphic organizers for each skill.


Moving on Up

Next year I am moving on up from first grade to teach third grade. In getting ready for this transition I have had the pleasure of working with third graders going into fourth grade for summer school. I am working with a group of students who are getting another chance this summer to pass the OAA so they can go onto fourth grade. In preparing for the test we have been working on a variety of comprehension skills, synonyms/ antonyms, prefixes and suffixes, and test vocabulary. I have made a few games to practice these skills in a fun way. Check them out on my teachers pay teachers store!


Close Reads

I have been trying to integrate language arts with science and social studies more than usual this past semester. I feel like I never have enough time in a day to do all of the things I would like. That is why I have made close read packs that go with the first grade science and social studies topics. My students have gotten much better at answering the questions to a text by showing the evidence of where they found the answer. We are currently getting ready to launch a unit on Matter so I am really excited to try the close read pack with my students!


Guided Reading

One of my favorite things about teaching first grade is guided reading because of the variety of reading levels in the class. I created this guided reading pack that contains planning sheets to plan out what reading strategies and skills you are going to be teaching for each group. I have also included a conferring sheet to record conferences with individual students. I think conferencing with students is a great way for me to spend time really getting to know them as readers. I have included in the pack my guided reading and student conference schedule. On the schedule I only have student conferences two days a week but I try to fit it in more than that when I get a few extra minutes or finish early with a guided reading group. Please check it out!


All About Elementary

Welcome to my blog-- All About Elementary. My goal in creating this blog is to interact and learn with and from other elementary school teachers. I have had the good fortune of working with many outstanding teachers and those experiences have motivated me to expand my reach. I am a first grade teacher and I think the elementary grades are so important to student success. You could say I am -All About Elementary! If you like what you see I hope you will follow my blog as well as join me on pinterest ( and teachers pay teachers. I would like to share my ideas about teaching and look forward to your feedback!
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